Monday, February 13, 2017

System Project Idea: Truck Inventory System

Service Smith

Our idea is to help a local Phoenix HVAC company, Service Smith, LLC, implement an inventory system that will help track the number of products available on any given service (maintenance) truck at a specific time (there are about 200 items on each truck). This system will help our client be able to better predict when products are running low so they can replace them quickly. In busy seasons, predictability will be crucial to prevent any workers from missing supplies while out on the job.


  1. This should be a great project, but Service Smith is in Phoenix. Will this be a problem getting access to them for interviews and observations? You can't really do this from a distance (at least for this project). Let me know how you plan to do this.

    1. Alex's dad is the owner of the company and he goes home occasionally, so communication and access to the staff won't be a problem at all.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good to hear. Just so Alex's dad is not the only source. Home being Tucson, I assume. How you will have access to the staff? I'll read the deliverable, but think about these things beforehand. Given our discussion on the customer profile, you know it's than just a brief interview.

  4. I saw that you considered eTurns. I assume you saw this video:
